Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Lord's Favor in the midst of our obstacles

Psalm 110 (King James Version)

Psalm 110
1The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.

2The LORD shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies.

Let us not let our circumstances to set the tone, let us rise up and see these as our footstool.

Do not name our future according to what we see in the present.
Our past might be tough, name our future, blessed, filled with the favor of the Lord, God's face is shining on me, my greatest victories are ahead of me.

It is going to be an Ephesians 3:20 decade for me.
God is a God who honours His Word, when He says He will never leave me nor forsake me. His Word says I am the head and not the tail, I am above only and not the tail. I am highly favored, deeply loved and greatly blessed by my Heavenly Daddy.

Thank God for a wonderful decade in my life where blessings hunt and chase me down. This is a decade where my Father dispenses the gifts which He has already shown me in my dreams and in my heart.

When we went to Macau recently, in the airport which we are departing back to Singapore, there are only two seats at the end that come with a footrest.

My friend and I walked there and sat on these two special chairs with footstool.

And the moment we sat there, the Lord spoke to my heart, a footstool is only effective when we rest. The footstool is for our rest, if we do not rest our feet, then we are not enjoying the footstool. See our enemies (our debts, our struggles, our barreness, our effects of sins which the enemy is trying to impose in our lives) as our footstool. Just rest in the Lord and we will naturally reign.

All of God's promises are in Christ and where is Christ now?
He is in me. Thank you Abba Father, your promises come true for me in my life. Thank you for opening the windows of heaven, I know promotions and increase are coming my way, my youth is going to renew like eagles.
I can hear the sound of rain, something great is coming.

Thank you Abba Father, like the woman who happened to appear before the king after she came back to the land, she had all her possessions returned back to her, her lands, and with all the increase and income of her lands. I expect this is a year of Jubilee for me just like what you have done for this woman. Amen.

God has already spoken to the people who will be good to me, I am going to get the breaks I don't deserve.

God will give me favor to those who we are suppose to have favor with.
God will cause the people who can show favor to me to be good to me.

God bring all the good people into my life. God will align all the moments of favor that God has already spoken to me.

God will open doors for me which no one can shut.
And God will shut all the bad doors so that they could not come in and harm me.

One moment of favor from God can change our whole life forever.

God will give me favor with the right people. God has ordained them to be good to us.

God bless all the works of my hands, and the increase in my barns and banks.

We get ready, our pay day is coming.
God is taking us to places and open doors that no man can shut.
God multiply the money we have in our banks, our investments, our savings accounts, there shall be no barren among us.
We get promotion that we might not qualify.
God is giving us houses we don't build, vineyards we do not plant, wells we do not build.

The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, and it is ours to enjoy.

Praise Jesus.

I expect God's goodness every day, great breakthroughs, getting from barely get by to more than enough.

I receive a new decade of God's favor in my life.

All because Jesus has made me the righteousness of God in Christ.

Those who come against me will be no more, and will be removed from my life. Lord I pray your blessings upon them too as they go.


Translated by Google translate:


























Destined to Reign by Pastor Joseph Prince