John 14:6
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Jesus is no liar when He says He is the WAY.
Jesus is no liar when He says He is the TRUTH.
Jesus is no liar when He says He is the LIFE.
Without Jesus we can do NOTHING.
People can promise us many things, many reports can deceive us into believing so many things that we might fall into their professional traps again and again.
Yet when our Lord Jesus declares that He is the Truth ... we take a very long time to believe Him.
When HE the Lord of lords and the King of kings declares that He is the LIFE ... we try to find life apart from Him.
When He declares that He is the WAY ... we try to go some other ways to solve our problems ... go everywhere, seek everyone, do every other things except to come to Him.
Chances are we will be disappointed, and disappointed greatly if we don't come to Him to His throne of grace and love. To be made whole on the inside and to be restored on the outside.
So come to Jesus just as we are, full of our nonsense and our failures, come to Him, our Saviour and our Redeemer (the One who buys back everything we have lost and the One who restores, the One who adds more and blesses without heartaches). Experience His peace and love all over again just like the first time we knew HIM.
Don't forget your first love for the Lord and most importantly HIS GREAT LOVE towards you. The feeling got to be mutual and not one-sided.