Friday, May 14, 2010

Speaking Forth, Proclaiming your blessings

Can't wait to share with you. A sister in Christ showed me her plot of land where she planted some vegetables. She was telling us about it in February that she wanted to sow some seeds on a plot of land. In my mind, I thought it was near impossible in land scarce Singapore. And lo and behold, her neighbourhood community club put up a notice for residents who would like to try their hands in planting. And allocated each interested their small patch of land (for free). This was indeed unheard of.

Today she walked us there to see her tiny plot of land and it was indeed full grown with so much greens. And very fruitful too. She plucked her first fruit and gave it to me to use for our caregroup's chalet gathering tomorrow. The gourd is huge! We are so blessed.

Initially she started with what the horticulturist passed to her the seeds to plant. And then, her plants became the most blossoming patch. And the horticulturist's patch is indeed small compared to hers.

"why is it that the horticuturist's patch looks so pathetic compared to hers?" she replied "I have Abba whereas the horticulturist does not". "I claim everyday that like Joseph all I do prosper ... and I can see myself prospering in eveything I do" ... just imagine .... in such trying times it shocked us to hear that she was asking Abba for 5figure bonus. And when she was given only 4figure, she kept claiming that the 5figure was coming. Until she told us that indeed she received the 5figures! Such is the power of our proclamation. There is lots to claim as God's economy there is no recession nor famine! "All are yours" Yes, all He has are ours! How generous our heaveny Father! Praise Him.

Destined to Reign by Pastor Joseph Prince